Water Meter Test
  • The total time to conduct this test requires 30 min period, during which no water should be used on the property. Locate the water meter, which is usually located in front of the house in a covered box near the street.

  • Note the numbers shown on the meter before you start conducting the test.

  • Return to check the meter reading after 30 minutes have passed.

  • If the numbers have not changed, you do not have a leak in your pressurized water system. If the numbers have changed, continue with the following steps.

  • Shut off the valves under all toilets in the house, and repeat steps the above procedure.

  • If the numbers remain unchanged, there may be a possibility of a running toilet that should be taken care of.

If the numbers on the meter have changed after 30 min of conducting the test changed, it indicates water consumption even though water was not being used during the test, and you may need leak detection.


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•Cracks in the fiber glass stairs or gunite pool wall
•Cracking, lifting or sinking pool deck
•Waterlogged/moist lawn around the pool deck
•Frequently adding water to the pool (multiple times a week)
•Constantly adding salt (sal chlorination systems)
•Air bubbles coming out at the return jets
•Trouble priming the pool pump
•Floating vinyl liner



If you notice any of the symptoms from the list above then conducting a Bucket Test can provide further verification that a pool leak is present. The video below will show how to properly execute the Bucket Test. For further information or to request Leak Detection services please call or send us an inquiry online.

Toll Free 1-855-GTA-LEAK


Leak Detection GTA Guarantee - we will not charge our leak detection fee if we cannot find your leak...this is based on a positiveresult using the Leakalyzer. If the Leakalyzer determines that you do not have a leak a fee for the service call will be applied